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Saturday 15 October 2011

Mass production


Designer: Lilija Deviatnikova “Lily Design”
Designer Mobile Number: 0851173609

The economies of mass production (See below at Figure 1: “Mass Production”) come from several sources. The primary cause is a reduction of nonproductive effort of all types. In craft production, the craftsman must bustle about a shop, getting parts and assembling them. He must locate and use many tools many times for varying tasks. In mass production, each worker repeats one or a few related tasks that use the same tool to perform identical or near-identical operations on a stream of products. The exact tool and parts are always at hand, having been moved down the assembly line consecutively. The worker spends little or no time retrieving and/or preparing materials and tools, and so the time taken to manufacture a product using mass production is shorter than when using traditional methods.
The probability of human error and variation is also reduced, as tasks are predominantly carried out by machinery. A reduction in labor costs, as well as an increased rate of production, enables a company to produce a larger quantity of one product at a lower cost than using traditional, non-linear methods.
However, mass production is inflexible because it is difficult to alter a design or production process after a production line is implemented. Also, all products produced on one production line will be identical or very similar, and introducing variety to satisfy individual tastes is not easy. However, some variety can be achieved by applying different finishes and decorations at the end of the production line if necessary.
With each passing decade, engineers have found ways to increase the flexibility of mass production systems, driving down the lead team on new product development and allowing greater customization and variety of products.
The key factors that influence client choices/ decisions in materials and design is various, like cost, quality, maintenance & reactions to cleaning chemicals, installation cost & time, fire rated or not ant etc.

Figure 1: “Mass Production”

Advantages of using a bespoke design
  • There is complete artistic freedom to create an image which is appropriate for your company and which the senior employees believe projects the correct image.
  • Existing company trademarks and colors can be incorporated into the letterhead design, enabling the company to work on developing its existing brand.
  • Whilst more expensive than using an existing template, the results and impression are obviously noticeably better. For the benefits, the price increase is often considered to be good value for money.
  • Bespoke designs (See below at Figure 2: “Bespoke Design just like you imagine it”) ensure individuality, whereas similar template designs might be used by other businesses.

Disadvantages of using bespoke design
·         The cost a major factor. Ready made solutions will be cheaper, as they are developed over many years and have evolved to the latest release.
·         Time scale.
·         To find specialist trades people, lead team and etc.
·         Some bespoke design can be reject.

Figure 2: “Bespoke Design just like you imagine it”

The scale of the project can affect the relative design and production cost, because as long we will need specialists/ workers to do the job, so and as much we will need to pay them for done/ doing job. Except, if we have done correct contract with them, like time schedules or etc..
As well as, some project a very large, for example like largest city’s shop units, so they are running for few years while finished. If happens any delays it’s not good, because of new, better products/ materials appearing on shells.

“Lily Design” 2011

Sand technique

Elephant inspired by Newgrange painting exhibition:

 Sand, glue & acrylic paint on canvas

                                            "Heart of the sand" by Lilia 2011

                                          More details of my painting (see below):

Lily Design 2011

Videos of aerografia on motorbike x2

Enjoy! :)

You can follow me on facebook: LILY DIZAINAS


October 13th, 2011


Here You can see some examples of the “Design Development Cycle”:

Figure 1, “Organizational Chart”

An organizational chart (See Figure 1, “Organizational Chart”) is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.

Figure 2, “Onion Diagram”

An onion diagram (See Figure 2, “Onion Diagram”) is a kind of chart that shows the dependencies among parts of an organization or process. The chart displays items in concentric circles, where the items in each ring depend on the items in the smaller rings.

Figure 3, “Pyramid Chart”

A pyramid diagram (See Figure 3, “Pyramid Chart”) is a triangular shape that is divided into horizontal slices. Each slice is then labeled and is used to represent a hierarchy.

Figure 4, “Venn Diagram”

Venn diagrams (See Figure 4, “Venn Diagram”) or set diagrams are diagrams that show all possible logical relations between finite collections of sets (aggregation of things). Venn diagrams were conceived around 1880 by John Venn. They are used to teach elementary set theory, as well as illustrate simple set relationships in probability, logic, statistics, and linguistics and computer science.

Figure 5, “Cycle Diagram”

Cycle Diagrams (See Figure 5, “Cycle Diagram”) are a type of graphic organizer that shows how items are related to one another in a repeating cycle. Use a cycle diagram when there is no beginning and no end to a repeating process.

The main benefits of completing a project in different stages are cause then we done all final or even just beginning report, we are able to see how much, at that stage we have done work, when we have to start or/ and finish all works to follow schedule.

Working as a professional interior designer this approach will benefit by using the design cycle you can plan and develop a budget with the client, making provisions for changes at the appropriate stages without significantly affecting key aspects of the design project.

Design Development Cycle benefit the client by employing the design cycle, we can develop an effective pricing strategy and use the natural stages to create payment stages. This is a fair and professional approach.

I am always using design development cycle in my works to get maximum benefits from work. It mainly helps to prepare clearly and easy findable information like: define client needs, design goals & overall parameters, collecting data, identify benefits & pitfalls.

I think all the time we can use this cycle, even then at commercial interior we are employee for small design and we do not coordinate anything- we still can create cycle of client requires, benefits of design and overall report.

By "Lily Design" 2011


October 14th, 2011


Commercial design is one of most “framed” works cause all works have time limits and final date of opening.
Preparation of effective plan can help to achieve short and long-term goals with no unwanted mistakes and all done in time. Coordinator even can left some extra time is anybody will not be able finish his job on time.

The key factors that determine project success:
Time spent planning is time well spent. A good plan provides the following benefits:
  • Clarity documented project milestones and deliverables;
  • A valid and realistic time-scale;
  • Allows accurate cost estimates to be produced;
  • Details resource requirements;
  • Acts as an early warning system, providing visibility of task slippage;
  • Keeps the project team focused and aware of project progress.
Saying No:
Never promise anything you know you can’t deliver, you are just storing up problems for later then.
Team Motivation:
A motivated team will go that extra mile to deliver a project on time and to budget. Communication is key here, so let your tem know when they are performing well, not just when they are performing badly.
Risk Management:
Nobody likes to think about risks especially early on in a project. Avoid risk management at your peril. I recommend that you produce a risk log with an action plan to minimize each risk and then publish it to all the key stakeholders in your project. Knowing what action you will take, should the worst happen, will be a great comfort.
Project Check List:
By using Check list we are able to how we are progressing and what we need to do better.

The key factors that determine project failure:

Lack of clear links between the project and the organization’s key strategic priorities, including agreed measures of success.
Lack of clear senior management and Ministerial ownership and leadership.
Lack of effective engagement with stakeholders.
Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management.
Too little attention to breaking development and implementation into manageable steps.
Evaluation of proposals driven by initial price rather than long-term value for money (especially securing delivery of business benefits).
Lack of understanding of, and contact with the supply industry at senior levels in the organization.
Lack of effective project team integration between clients, the supplier team and the supply chain.

A project manager is the person who has the overall responsibility for the successful planning and execution of a project. He or she must have a combination of skills including an ability to ask penetrating questions, detect unstated assumptions and resolve conflicts, as well as more general management skills.

Team members are responsible for many of the day-to-day activities in one or more projects. As a result, team members must use timesheets to report actual work against project tasks, maintain and reply to status reports and status report requests from project managers and team leads, and collaborate with others who are working on the same project.
Each have different and I would like to suggest legitimate views about what is ethical. In some cultures the payment to a middleman is a way of doing business, in others it is called bribery.  Under some bribery legislation these ‘grease’ payments are legal; under the UK Bribery Act they are illegal.
If it is to get the job done, and it is done in such a way that will damage the reputation of the client, the project manager or his organization, then this is self-defeating and wrong.
I think the role of the project manager is to maintain this balance and be true to himself and his profession. The way that this can be done is by being ethical, not the simple do not lie, take bribes and put other people down. These are straightforward; it is the more complex balances where the project manager as a leader in the organization begins to add real value to the project and his profession. Ethical theory and reflection can be used to allow the project manager to structure his thoughts and arrive at a decision. More importantly it allows him to articulate his decisions to his team and the wider community in a way that is clear and helps them be interpreted in a positive way to deliver a successful project outcome.
Ethical project management is not just a nice to have when times are good.  It is an essential part of how a project manager leads his projects.  As important, is the way in which these difficult decisions are communicated to ensure they are perceived as ethical ensuring the best outcomes for all.
Important to establish hierarchy amongst team members cause then people becoming silent, antisocial, sometimes unhappy and depressed. To communicate successful lines we should respect each other, be patient, be responsible and try to understand wishes of team.

By “Lily Design” 2011

Lady Gaga

2011 Spalio 16d.

Lady Gaga- visi yra girdėję jos dainas ir kiekvienas komentuoja ją vis savaip. Kai kas ją dievina, o kai kam ji neteikia jokių emocijų. Nepaisant to, ji sugebėjo per praėjusius metus (2009m.) užsidirbti 62mln. JAV dolerių. Dėl to nusprendusi pasilepinti nusipirko sau naujus namus už 5mln. JAV dolerių (apie 4mln. eurų.).

Klasika visados išlieka madinga. Šis stilius yra amžinas ir nesenstantis, viskas jame subalansuota ir atsargiai suplanuota sukuriant elegantišką ir rafinuotą dizainą.
Taip pat, matome globalinio stiliaus elementų, tokių kaip zebro dryžių kilimas, kuris suteikia daugiau šilumos ir jaukumo. Spalviniai akcentai nepamiršti irgi.
Atkreipkite dėmesį į virtuvės lubas. Pamatysite išmėtytas mažas lemputes, kurios suteikia daugiau romantikos vakarais ir bemiegėmis naktimis- imituoja žvaigždes danguje.
Svetainėje stiklinis stalas neužgožia erdvės. Jis yra peršviečiamas, todėl vizualiai atrodo daugiau vietos tarp baldų ir stalo.
Pastebime daug arkų sienose. Jos pagyvina erdę, suteikia architektūrinio idomumo, kurį išryškina akcentiniu apšvietimu.
Tradicinės klasikos kilmės šalis yra senovės Graikija ir Roma. Jei Jūs lankėtės ten, turėjot atkreipti dėmesį į daugybę kolonų, kaip ir šiame name.
Apibendrinkime, Lady Gaga tikrai žino kur investuoti pinigus ir kas yra amžinai madinga.


                                                          Raminantis, baltu atspalviu miegamasis

                                                Jauki virtuves zona

                                                      Sucentruota kolidoriaus erdve


                                                           Darbo kambarys

                                              Bemirkstant baseine, galima grozetis misko peizazu

Balkonas poilsiui :)

Noriu priminti, kad visad yra laukiami Jūsų laiškučiai su klausimais ir komentarais interjero dizaino tema. Aš su didžiausiu malonumu į juos visus atsakysiu
! Mano elektroninis paštas: Lilli17d@yahoo.com

Lilija Deviatnikova

Atnaujinkime namų interjerą

2011 Spalio 15d.

Sveiki visi! Ar atsirado noras atnaujinti savo bustą? Nebūtinai kišenę tuštinančiais būdais, ir viską perkant naują. Svarbiausia teisingi ir skoningi spalvų deriniai! Dabar mes juos ir aptarsime:

Ji susidaro iš vienos spalvos, tik tonai skirias (šviesumu ir tamsumu). Tad, kad sukurti nenuobodžią aplinką naudojant monochromatines spalvas labai svarbu naudoti skirtingas medžiagų tekstūras, raštus ir baldų ar aksesuarų formas. Reikia naudoti šviesius, vidutinius ir tamsius tonus sukuriant taisiklingą balansą. Ir tai daryti labai atsargiai, kad visualus vaizdas neatrodytų nuobodus. Taip pat, nereik pamiršt, kad neultralios spalvos derinasi ir gali but maišomos su bet kuria spalvų palete. Pagrindinė taisyklė skirta mažint monotomijai yra labia paprasta- nepamiršti akcentinių spalvų, kurios išsiskirs iš viso interjero (pvz.: viena ar dvi akcentinės sienos ar keletas pagalvių).

Šią paletę sukurti galima naudojant du ar tris spalvų derinius, kurie randasi šalia vienas kito (žiūrint į spalvų ratą); Pvz.: raudona, orandžinė ir geltona arba violetinė ir mėlyna. Harmoninga paletė yra gana populiari šiuolaikiniuose interjeruose. Nebūtinai naudoti intensyvius tonus, galima ir pastelinius (pvz.: šviesiai geltona).

Spalviniai akcentai dažniausiai naudojami interjero pagyvinimui. Jie padeda sukurti kažką idomaus ir neįprasto. Tik reik visad prisiminti, kad akcentai turi likti tik akcentais, o ne pereiti prie viso kambario spalvos. (Žr. paveiksliuką: Neultraliai spalvų paletei gyvumo ir šviežumo suteikia ryškiai žali obuoliai vazoje).

Kuriant šią spalvų paletę yra labai lengva suklysti. Reik labai stipriai jaust spalvas, kad jos derintųsi viena su kita. (Žr. paveiksliuką: šis interjero dizaino sprendimas priverčia kiekvieną sustoti ir pasigrožėti. Neeilinė ir išskirtinė virtuvė, kuriai gamta ir natūralumas yra labai svarbu. Šis pasirinkimas- augalus lauke priderint prie virtuvės yra labai originalus. “Išnaudokime ką turime”.)

Dar vienas būdas kaip tiksliai sužinoti kokioje aplinkoje Jūs norite gyventi. Rinkite spalvinius derinius, įvairiausius paveiksliukus, nuotraukas, medžiagų gabalėlius, tapetus, tai kas Jum patinka ir kelia teigiamas emocijas. Susiklijuokite ant lapo visa tai, kas Jūsų nuomone dera šalia ir pastoviai stebėkite kas netinka ir iškrenta is visualaus vaizdo.
Pagal iškarpas galima rasti parduotuvėse panašias užuolaidas, staltieses ar aksesuarą, kuris džiugins Jus kiekvieną dieną!

Lilija Deviatnikova